Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Business Networking

I don't do New Years resolutions, but I did start 2012 with something I've never had before (I bet you haven't either) -  a business networking strategy. Like many people I have surfed many events over the years with mixed results; the strategy is to create a distinct focus and involves attending as many events as possible throughout January with a view to committing to 2 regular events.

As a general pointer, successful networking without weight gain requires a degree of self discipline I simply don't possess with most events involving food or drink to some degree - from the traditional 'full English' to fancy canapes and free drinks. Just make sure you balance your attendances with a bit of exercise!

I have mostly confined my attendances to the Guildford area and, even with a fairly tight geographical constraint I was amazed at the sheer volume of event available. So much so that I estimate you could actually attend an event each day within a 10 mile radius of our base.Quite often at one event I would receive invitations to several others.

So, with my new expanded waistline i have settled on my 2 events but am trying to decide how best to categorise events in a way that will make sense to you, so here goes!

Breakfast meetings:

These were originally the focus of my challenge. For the most part these events are fairly structured -following with varying degrees of flexibility and self-consciousness - the tight disciplines of BNI. The spin-offs tend to give themselves away with their TLA names (I have experienced BNI, BRE, BOB, BRX), the make-up of attendees and their formula approach. (meet/chat, sit down breakfast / one-minute presentation / special presentation / swap leads / meeting ends). There are very many people who can testify to how well this works but, at a personal level I'm afraid I felt after 3 meetings (various groups) that it was far too oppressive and a little self-congratulatory.

A lighter approach to the theme is offered by 4N, who operate nationwide and take themselves far less seriously, seeing themselves as 50% social 50% business. 4n hit my shortlist but ultimately represented too much financial commitment at this stage.

Informal daytime events;

Mostly held in pubs, hotels or bars there are a number of regular daytime networks, some of which are sponsored locally, some run on a voluntary basis by saintly people who evidently list cat-herding as a hobby.

First Friday is a lunchtime group operating mainly in Sussex and Hampshire - and Guildford, each group will have its own set of rules but a common theme is informality - you have the opportunity to present your business but it is entirely optional. Venues are mainly pubs, though one group did involve a fixed-cost sit down meal.

Business Biscotti is similar, but operates mid morning (9.30 - 11.30) which to some would probably represent half a day out of the office. I struggle to be subjective since i walked into room full of - sorry, there's no other way to put this - infeasibly attractive women. (Something to do with the Guilldford effect); so should I seek a business advisor who can pass me leads, or the pretty lady from the dress shop?  On a serious note, the room did balance out over time and did lead to good, informal networking - all for the price of a coffee!

Other lunch events I attended were sponsored and highly localised - Basepoint serviced offices run a good monthly event - with possibly the best canapes in the business; whilst a local firm of solicitors provide free food and wine in their Property Club (every 2 months). Whilst this is technically for property specialists, the fact that I offer finance to developers put me well within qualifying criteria.

Evening Events:

Unfortunately i had to cancel my invitation to the interestingly entitled Entrepreneur's Club, but will try it in February. Surrey Chambers also run a number of evening events, though I am unlikely to commit to regular evening events.
as mentioned, on my journey I was invited to several ad-hoc events. These, together with intermittent eduction type events where you will meet people outside of the usual 'netwrking crowd'.

From a well-intenttioned plan, it quickly became apparent that the networking pool really is very deep indeed - and I have succeeded only in scraping its surface; I still have a few testers to go, but have decided on my forward strategy, which is actually to embrace all of the daytime events listed above, whilst attending ad-hoc evening events. Breakfast clubs definitely have a use, but the costs, structure and formality don't work for me I'm afraid.

Hopefully I will be reporting positive results soon!