Wednesday 17 April 2013

Strategy is not a big word!

When the word 'strategy' is mentioned to a small business owner, the reaction all too often is a mixture of shock and disbelief - best summed up in the reply 'I'm just a small business, I don't need that sort of thing'.

Quite simply every business needs strategy - or strategies - covering marketing, collections, 'paperwork' and other business facets.No need for spiral binding, no need for lots of graphics and images - frankly the back of beer-mats will do as long as it is comprehensive, cohesive and workable..

Strategy is what guides your business - more importantly, it is what differentiates you from others who are just doing a job.

Take time out from doing the job and look at your business from an outsider's view (perhaps get an outsider to do this with you) this will provide the foundation for your strategy.

It isn't a big word and it isn't time wasted - it is your route to success!

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