However this concept came to mind in a recent discussion with 2 web designer - both of whom shared the view that free websites were a major threat to their livelihoods.
the optimist in me immediately pitched in to point out the enormity of the market for people who were happy to pay - many 100s of thousands of potential clients - why worry
about the ones you can't get when there are so many you can?
However following the discussion my mind turned to the nature of DIY - in any context, from wallpapering your hallway to building a website.
Start-up DIYers follow a simple process:
1. Read up about it
2. Do it
3. Pat yourself on the back
4. Compare (perhaps some time after the event).
From comparison you might either pat yourself on the back again, console yourself and put up with inferior quality or change things.
And so it is with DIY websites. For the sake of simplicity lets say that it is 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 between these categories.
On subsequent meeting I bounced this off one of the designers:
- Find (say) 1000 DIY business websites, focusing on businesses which are up and running (albeit only for a few months)
- Run a quick critique of the site and its value to the business
- Contact the business owner and engage them - asking for their thoughts on the site
Based on the above, you will find - very pessimistically 200 users who are not entirely happy with their DIY project. If 20% of these want to do something about it you have immediately 40 RED HOT PROSPECTS, who:
1. Have identified a need for your services.
2. Understand the value that your skills can add
3. Have a running business and -hopefully - the means to pay.
That is from day 1! More of your pot will become disgruntled with their attempts and the pot will get every bigger
Surely more of an opportunity than a threat?
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