Friday, 8 July 2011

Buying advertising

There is an old adage that says the the easiest person to sell to is a salesman. Having spent my entire career in sales, I would qualify that somewhat by saying that a salesman will buy from a salesman or, more simply I'm a bit of a pushover if you know what you're doing.

On the flip side, I'm often tempted to walk away when faced with indifference or incompetence, even if I like the product.

In previous businesses we have put considerable amounts of money and effort into direct marketing and promotion on a national basis, but have never really advertised, hence I am a relative novice to this game. A fact that I clearly illustrated with my first question 'what does it cost'. (I was happy to show I was a novice since I was seeking information before placing my ad).

So, I'm quite clear in which journal I'm going to use, but have some questions about placement, timings etc. Surely they can help me with this? My first call to the advertising department of the paper in question was a week ago, and went something like this:

ME: I'm thinking of running an ad, and wondered if you could give me an idea of prices?'

HER: 'Well, it depends on how many words you want and where you want it placed'

ME: 'Yes, I appreciate that. It won't be a big ad; it's for a business start up course so I'm thinking that it might be best in the job section?'

HER: 'Yes, the job section would be OK. Do you want to give me the ad now?'

ME: 'Well I really need to understand how your pricing works and if its better to go for a series and what choice I have in placement'

HER 'Well, that depends on how many words you want'

ME; 'OK. can you email me a rate chart?'

HER: 'Ok, whats the email address?'

She took the address and checked it; to date no email has been received. With my salesman's hat on - well done, she tried to close, but she made no attempt at all to discuss needs or wants and didn't follow up. Bad!

Yesterday I emailed a request for a rate chart again,. As yet no response. I actually want to advertise but they might yet prevent me from doing so!

PS. 'Doh!' moment: I spent several hours yesterday in the company of a seasoned journalist (mainly discussing News of the World) and didn't even think to ask him if he knew any local business editors. Journos are like a club - they all know each other. Silly me!

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