Thursday, 21 July 2011

One-touch admin

This is a busy week, full of networking events - sort of a storm before the summer lull.

The flaw in networking for these courses is that most of the attendees have already established their business so are out of my target range. However lets not forget the second contact effect, as those (particularly quite new) businesses can be great referrers as they are only too aware of those little mistakes that cost time and money.

Anyway, to the point, time out of the office = backlog in admin. There are purists who suggest that a piece of paper should only be touched once - IE open - deal - file.

I am not a purist, so adopt my own variation of this principle and have 'one touch sessions' - quite often a Friday afternoon, where every piece of paper littering my desk must be dealt with effectively.  The process can be quick or prolonged, but in my view dealing with bulk is immensely satisfying.

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