Thursday, 7 July 2011

The size perception

In these days of broadband, web-based business and super-connectivity it is relatively easy for a bedroom-based business to create an impression of size and (by implication) competence. If you are looking for national contracts or are aiming to compete on scale this can be a real benefit, but all too often it is pure vanity. A vanity I must confess that I have been guilty of without even realising it!

My early career was spent working in major banks, so the scale wasn't illusory. When I set up my first brokerage my partner and I instinctively adopted the 'national presence' image without really thinking about whether this was beneficial - we even took this to the extent of setting up the business as a Plc (which involves quite a lot of extra hassle and cost). With the wisdom that comes with hindsight, I would seriously question whether this 'look how big we are' approach actually alienates a large part of your potential client base.

Anyway, Kickstart really is about me engaging directly with individuals, so there is no doubt that it's all about being a small business (and living below the VAT threshold); so why do I constantly find myself playing the 'big' card - referring to myself as 'we' and trying to look corporate?

It really is all about me, working from home in a Surrey village. Slapped wrist every time I pretend otherwise!

PS. I haven't a clue why my titles are sometimes red and sometimes grey; any ideas?

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