Friday, 15 July 2011

Sending e-mailers and newsletters.

Today I sent my first newsletter using a Mailchimp - a free online service mentioned previously. Without wanting to sound like an evangelist - it was remarkably easy and the end result was pretty professional (if I say so myself).

To put it into context, I have only 'normal' computer skills (ie I know my way around most standard Microsoft products) and am certainly not a graphic designer. This first test newsletter took me 2 hours to compile, but much of this time was spent familiarising myself with the specific workings of Mailchimp - so I expect my next one to be rather quicker.The timing ignores the fact that content has been spinning in my head for a few days.

On a cautionary note, because it is so easy it is also easy to 'save and send' without sufficient checking. Always send tests to a couple of critical friends - better to wait a day than send errors in what is supposed to be a professional document (NB spell check is in American and I don't think you can change it).

 Also, I have been warned, but not yet experienced that some recipients will reject you automatically for using automated senders - I don't know a way around this.

Obviously the success of the mailing comes down to good data - this was a test to the first part of my cleansed database, kind of a reward for a few days of burgers..

As they say on the BBC, other providers are available.

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