Wednesday, 1 June 2011

24th May - My battle with IT

We all have strength and weaknesses; in the business context my nemesis is IT, which intimidates & frustrates me in almost equal measures. (My co-director of my other business would almost certainly tell you my biggest weakness is admin, but that’s another story).

This particular project has been forced back by almost 6 weeks by multiple computer failures – a problem compounded by the fact that I was driving daily to Hounslow, so trips to the computer shop could only be done on Saturdays. Having sat unopened for 6 months (my contract allowed me full use of their in-house IT, so my own had been neglected) I had to replace first a graphics card, then a wireless card (there is no logical explanation for this dual failure). Then, having finally got the hardware sorted I set about booting up and downloading the numerous spam emails & software updates – at which point the system completely fell over and refused to start. Another trip to my friendly computer shop – this time to be told there would be a 10 day wait for repairs. Incidentally, it is apparently quite normal for this to happen.

‘Why don’t you just buy a new computer?’ I was asked – the answer really is ‘I have absolutely no idea’.

Now everything is functioning, but I am about to kick my computer as I struggle with software issues to access and update my website, so kindly put together by a friend in New Zealand.

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