I went to an interesting presentation last night arranged by #surreydigital <see, that's a hash tag!
I had expected to learn lots of secrets on how to use Twitter effectively and to be disillusioned of my view that its just thousands of people all shouting louder than each other. In reality what we got was an amusing but relatively uninformative talk from a BBC chap called Jon Jacobs @thoroughlygood <don't know what that's called, but they use it on Twitter.
The best word I can use to describe the overall message was 'reassuring'. There were no dramatic insights, but there was a realisation that far too many people just shout, and some wise words to 'be yourself, admit failures and be spontaneous', which, if I'd bothered to formulate my thouhts before, might well have been what they were.
Any way, I am reasonably sure that Twitter has a place in this particular business, so have allocated a set period of time each day. Starting Monday,of course.
By the way, apparently there's something called Tweetdeck, which helps you to filter content. And I still won't follow any celebrities.
PS> Call me a killjoy, but I have absolutely no intention of starting random words with a tw.. - that would be twidiculous. (well, just the once..)
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