Clearly on a £100 budget renting an office isn't an option so working from home is my only alternative. It does have advantages, such as the capacity to crawl out of bed at 7.45 and be at work by 8.00, the total avoidance of the M25 (OK, not an absolute requirement of office working) and, of course, it's cheap - though not actually free.
The last time I worked from home I was married with a teenage kid and the main downside was 'at home' was largely interpreted as 'available' so I was bombarded with various domestic requests. This was, to an extent, mitigated when I created a garden office - which was more expensive than renting but did more than recoup its cost when selling the house, so definitely classified as an investment.
This time I am free and single (young?) - I'm also quite sociable by nature - so the key risk is that of going 'stir crazy'. Of course once I'm up and running, I will spend a good portion of my time customer facing, so this won't be a problem. In the meantime I compensate with visits - and human contact - to the gym (good) or the pub (less good).
Interestingly I have been offered corners in offices at very reasonable prices - offers I might well pursue when I have cracked my start-up budget.
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