Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Social media - how to use it

Further to my previous post regarding my IT prowess, I have decided to upgrade my computer skills from 'poor' to 'average'. This isn't due to any flash of inspiration, or a crash course in IT, simply the realisation that lots of the people who claim to be good on computers are referring to the ability to handle Word, Exel and perhaps a bit of Powerpoint - all things in which I consider myself reasonably proficient. Also I'm feeling a bit smug having taught myself a few HTML commands and made several successful changes to my website!

The new area where my skills and knowledge are averagely low are in the arena of social / new media, which I do feel will be a useful tool to reach my intended market - ie people considering or embarking on start-up business. The name is out there on Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook, but as yet I haven't really worked out how to use these as an effective marketing medium. The temptation - particularly on Twitter is simply to round up as many followers as possible and shout loudly - though I am reliably informed that is not the way (unsurprisingly!). There are lots of training courses out there but - even if my budget permitted - could I really spend time and money learning how to 'Tweet'?

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